This Alien has these growths that come off it's back and the tail has a skeletal look that lets you recognize the form even if it is simplified. Key features the elongated head in two tones gray top black bottom and a fierce set of chompers. This one has a few things that I thought a cat would like to bite on. I looked at pictures on the interweb and thought that the Xenomorph from Aliens was the beast to emulate. Hand sewing needles to attach the limbs, pins, and a pattern. Cat nip loose for extra ferocious attacks 6. Stuffing, polyfil enough to stuff the entire thing 5. Assorted thread I used black across the board cause I'm lazy and I liked sewing some extra details on the contrasting fabrics 4. I'll be knee deep in Xenomorphs.** **tip see if you can pick up a remnant of all these colors/fabric you don't need much to make a kitty sized Xenomorph.

**I spent $8 and I could make at least 20 of these things with as much fabric as I now have. Scrap of grey fabric I found gray velour in the remnant bin and paid $2.50 for way more velour than I will ever need, White felt for claws and teeth again scraps are your friends, you don't need much. 1/4 yd Black fleece, or cotton or knit this could be any scrap black you have I think fleece is durable for the clawing and the biting so I choose Fleece. Sewing machine (hand sewing is involved and you could make this entirely by hand but you may want to cut down on you the bloody fingertip quota by using the machine) 2. Hey so you wanna make an alien toy yhea? You'll need some stuff: 1.